
Located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Orzu Hotel preferred Solarwin, the...

Orzu Hotel, Uzbekistan Aluminum Panel Roof Project

With more than 10 years of experience, Solarwin is committed to delivering products and services that provide the highest benefit to its customers and to ensure continuous customer satisfaction. The systems it produces are designed to operate at maximum efficiency. Its products give an aesthetic appearance to the place where it is applied with ease of function and design.

Located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Orzu Hotel preferred Solarwin, the most accurate address in its sector, to meet its customers with a new concept. Panel roof aluminum panel ceiling, fixed glass ceiling lights, heat glass, guillotine glass and wintent application were installed for Orzu Hotel.

About Used Systems

Panel Roof (Bioclimatic Ceiling)

Aluminum panels are opened to the desired rate of daylight, ventilation and shading by providing the opportunity.

General Features

Guillotine Glass Systems

Fully automatic opening and vertically opening glass panels. The modular guillotine glass systems are the newest automatic window system preferred in many areas and places.


– Thermal Insulation
High level heat insulation and heat glass profile options.
– Sound Insulation and Wind Protection
It provides 60% sound insulation. Use in adverse weather conditions.
– Automatic Operation
Controlled or timed on and off options.
– Ventilation
Continuous ventilation in unfavorable weather conditions with the ability of glass sashes to stand in the desired place.
– Glass Railing
Particularly in terrace applications, it acts as a 100% safe glass railing.
Unlocked Security
Special security glass and profile system provides unlocked security.
– Freedom and Comfort
The easy to use guillotine glazing system offers a high level of comfort close to nature.

Fixed Glass Ceiling (Veranda)

Fixed glass ceiling is a system that can be applied to winter gardens, terraces and balconies. Firstly wood or iron frame is formed.

Technical Specifications


Application Images

Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi Orzu Hotel, Özbekistan Alüminyum Panel Roof Projesi

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Solarwin : Yenibosna, Bahçelievler / İstanbul
0 212 494 44 47 –

solarwin model gallery

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