
All of our Pergola models offer you a unique level of comfort. Chefs...

Chefs Experience, Bukres – Restoran / Pergola Project

Now your spaces are as convenient and enjoyable as they should be. You can enhance the social space or domestic luxury and comfort. Our Pergola awnings are designed for small and large spaces, freestanding or wall-mounted, and are available in a variety of innovative aluminum designs. We invite you to discover how a custom made Pergola awning can add value to your home or business.

About Product Introduction and Features

Automatic Pergola Systems

Movable ceiling covering material German Mehler Spanish Loncar and PVC based, 800gr / m2 weight, consisting of three layers block out (light-proof) feature. In addition, it is waterproof and flame retardant. It is produced in Cream and White colors as standard.



Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project

Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project

Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project

Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project Chefs Experience, Bukres - Restoran / Pergola Project


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Solarwin : Yenibosna, Bahçelievler / İstanbul
0 212 494 44 47 –

solarwin model gallery

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Panel Roof (Bioclimatic Ceiling)
Pentru Black Cafe, Wind Breaker
Guillotine Glass System
Pentru Black Cafe, Wind Breaker
Sliding Glass Systems

So far, 500+ received service from us
winter garden modern designs
customized architectural solutions

Pentru Black Cafe, Wind Breaker
Folding Glass Systems
Pentru Black Cafe, Wind Breaker
Pergola and Awning Systems
Pentru Black Cafe, Wind Breaker
Door Models