
Krasnador, Russia We have prepared the details of our system...

Krasnador, Russia Sun Roof Panel Project

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Solarwin is high quality, permanent success, unique design, active production, expert team and reliable application methods. As time passes, the company becomes more successful and increases the customer satisfaction rate with its quality. Superior quality workmanship, professional and fully specialized and mastered in the field, with affordable budget presentation offers practical solutions for everyone.

Krasnador can be described as an aluminum folding rolling roof (bioclimatic) project which is still very important in Russia. Since this project is also an engineering project, it is known as a high quality, reliable and soundly laid out project. The said aluminum panels can be opened with their special systems and allow you to benefit from sunlight and energy as much as you want and consequently to benefit from shading.

If we briefly talk about the project features;

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